Who is "Belgier in Not"?

Belgier in Not (Belgian Shepherds in need)

On these pages, we want to present Belgian Shepherds from animal shelters and also from private individuals to raise their chances of finding a home. Please contact us if you know of a Belgian Shepherd in need!
Should you be forced to give up your Belgian Shepherd for personal reasons, please contact us, by mail or through our online form.

If you already own a Belgian Shepherd and want to meet like-minded people, please call us. We will be happy to put you in touch with Belgian Shepherd-lovers in your area!
If you want to put your Belgian Shepherd into a private animal home because of a vacation, illness or family celebration, we will be happy to help you find one.
This assistance is completely free of charge for you.
Please find our contact persons under "Kontakte" (Contact). If you don't speak German, please contact a href="mailto:alicia@belgier-in-not.de">alicia@belgier-in-not.de in Spanish and English.

Please understand that we cannot give any guarantees concerning the temperament, state of health, provenance, pedigree or racial mixture of the featured dogs. All dates and facts about the individual dogs were provided by the respective contact persons. There is no verification by our association.

Please note: Descriptions of the dogs in English and Spanish are available on request: alicia@belgier-in-not.de.